
Regional Hub for Digital Transformation

EDIH4MARCHE is one of the first 13 Italian European Digital Innovation Hubs funded by the European Union and serves as the structure coordinating the activities of the Digital Innovation Hubs across all regional production sectors involved.


Numbers and expertise available to businesses in the Marche region


Over 50 researchers in the field of digitalization and 14 digital transformation experts (Evangelists) will provide more than 2,000 services to businesses, valued at €1.75 million over the next two years.

12 partner organizations

14 evangelist

€1.75 million
in service value

2000 services


EDIH4MARCHE targets all types of businesses in the Marche region

The goal of EDIH4Marche is to serve as the epicenter of a digital innovation ecosystem at the regional, national, and European levels, capable of providing access to services, facilities, and expertise from a wide range of partners. It aims to create real added value for SMEs, which often face greater challenges in accessing high-value strategic digital services and technologies.




Business, people
e community services


Our services

EDIH4MARCHE connects expertise and businesses

EDIH4MARCHE promotes the strengthening of the Marche business ecosystem through digital innovation in the context of Industry 4.0. EDIH4MARCHE provides services aimed at implementing a digital strategy aligned with the company’s overall strategy and the technologies that are truly useful for business development.

1. Assessment

The company is encouraged to assess its digital strategy in relation to its overall strategy, evaluating a concrete path towards goals that can be achieved with partners and its own technology providers. The proposed assessment leads to the definition of a digital strategy aligned with goals, opportunities, threats, and the available budget

2. Test before invest


The company can carry out tests, demos, feasibility studies, and Proof of Concept using technologies made available by partners and technology providers. These experimental approaches allow the company to evaluate decisions before making the planned investments

3. Training

The entire digital transformation process is supported by a comprehensive catalog of courses on digital transformation topics. These courses cover all organizational levels: operational, managerial, and executive

4. Support to find investiments

Support in obtaining and managing public and private funding

Our services

The technologies we offer

The digital roadmap is implemented through the introduction of so-called “Key Enabling Technologies,” which drive digital transformation. The areas in which EDIH4Marche operates with its partners are those with the greatest impact on business growth.

Artificial Intelligence
Robotics and Process Automation
Data management

Customer Journey

The DIH partners will specifically serve as the entry point for EDIH to promote all services.


Awareness events


Contact with DIH for needs assessment


DMA (Digital maturity assessesment)


Strategic consulting


Test before invest



The ideal process initially offers the opportunity to take advantage of a free “assessment” service using the tool provided by the European Commission, the Digital Maturity Assessment (DMA), to first define one’s digital maturity and evaluate the concrete opportunities and benefits that a digitalization journey can bring to their business. The DIH will handle the initial assessment phase, problem definition, and guidance towards more specific and vertical services provided by other technological partners of the Hub, as well as offering some specific services itself.
